Dare To Be Different

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Magazine Advertising

Magazine Advertising - A Safe Strategy !
Executive Summary by Mike Zhmudikov

Magazine advertising has always been an area where billions of dollars are annually spent and that is not in vain. People like buying magazines as they love glossy and informative sources that can be read absolutely everywhere and anytime. What is so peculiar about magazines?

Colorful spotlights and flashy headlines are always more eye-catching in comparison to the dull black newspaper headlines that definitely look pale and lifeless. The range of topics covered in magazines as well as the niches magazines are attributed to is enormously large. Practically there has not been any human life sphere left that was not mentioned in magazines.

Fishermen have special magazines that are dedicated to fishing tactics, bodybuilders have a wide range of magazines to choose from, scientists have a huge amount of different magazines that are strictly limited to their areas and, of course, fashion and style magazines occupy the top of the pyramid. With the help of professionally created magazine advertisements your business will eventually grow and that is for sure especially if you sell goods and not just provide services. The latter is definitely useful in newspaper advertising. Magazines remain one of the most attractive means of advertising and one should not neglect it.

Magazine Advertising - Tips for Getting the Most For Your Advertising Dollar

Executive Summary by Traci Vanover
Many of the same "print" principles which apply to newspaper advertising also apply to magazine advertising. * Magazines are usually weekly or monthly publications instead of daily.
* Advertising messages are more image-oriented and less price-oriented.
* Advertisements in magazines involve color more often.

The general rule that you can run the same ad 3-5 times within a campaign period before its appeal lessens applies to magazine advertising as well, even with a monthly publication. Because ads in magazines are not immediate, they take more planning. Since the quality of the magazines are superior, the advertising that you generate must be superior as well. There are two categories of magazines: trade magazines and consumer magazines.

Trade magazines are publications that go to certain types of businesses, services, and industries.

Working With An Ad Agency

If you would prefer to purchase space yourself, contact the magazine's advertising department, and request their Media Kit. Sites like Media Bids (http://www.mediabids.com) have recently emerged, and offer small business owners an unprecedented opportunity to obtain space in national, mainstream magazines at a significant savings. The Media Bids site allows users to browse current publication offerings, and also to create auctions, in which publications will "bid" for their business.

Saving Money With Discounted Space
Although most magazines are national in nature, many have regional advertising sections that allow your business to focus on a smaller target area, at a discounted price. Some sophisticated magazines even have demographic editions available, which might also be advantageous.

A little known fact is that all magazine advertising rates are negotiable. Inquire as to special pricing for multiple insertions, advertorial considerations with paid display ads, and remnant space. Remnant space is unsold advertising space that the magazine has leftover as they approach deadline. * Reader Response Cards. Readers fill out a small survey card in the back of the magazine to obtain more information from advertisers. *Special Placement.

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