Dare To Be Different

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Word of Mouth Marketing

Executive Summary from Joanne King & Rita Lambros-Segur

Word of mouth marketing was actually the "greatest" tool of viral marketing long before the internet was invented and till this day, word of mouth marketing is still a great tool for online and offline businesses.


Well there are a few reasons why word of mouth marketing is extremely successful.

One: A friend doesn't give a sales pitch

This equates to HIGHER sales for your business using "word of mouth marketing" then any other method available!

So how can you implement word of mouth marketing to your business?
The number one hands down way of getting someone to recommend your product by word of mouth is to create a kick butt product!

If you deliver on your word... If you can "teach" or implement a piece of software that solves their "problem", if you can EXCEED their expectations (and that part is very important, EXCEEDING their expectations)... Then you will have created "word of mouth marketing".

If you pump out crappy ebook after crappy ebook (or software/product)... Then you too can expect to receive word of mouth marketing.

“Marketing deals with any market-oriented activity with the ultimate objective of increasing the sales and brand image of products or services marketed.”
Marketing as a field covers market research, selling, promotion, customer service, after sales service to name some. Well, it is the oldest method of marketing, the word of mouth marketing.
The Concept Of The Word Of Mouth Marketing and The Elements Of The Word Of Mouth Marketing are very important.

The word of mouth marketing has the following pillars:
1) Trust drives the word of mouth marketing. Word of mouth marketing impacts its target market when a person whom we trust, recommends a product or service.

2) The word of mouth marketing is the most potential way to affect a product or service's market strength. Whether favorable or unfavorable, the word of mouth can make or break, respectively, a product's and service's market equity.

3) The word of mouth marketing is not a long-term marketing method. The product or service needs constant improvement to retain and expand its market share.
Everybody selling anything must encash the numerous benefits of word of mouth marketing.

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